Sorry @realDonaldTrump but you’re wrong on defense/military spending

In the month Trump has been the President, the collectivist left, the globalists and corporate media complex have thrown more bullshit on him than any other newly anointed President in recent memory. From the Russia allegations to his business ties with various countries. Most recently Michael Flynn was forced to step down as National Security Advisor for speaking with a Russian official back in December which for some reason is considered a scandal. Then there’s the constant jargon from celebrity elitists about how Trump’s a Fascist, or outright calling for violence against Trump supporters. Or in the case of Meryl Streep, feigning horror at Trump supposedly mocking a reporter for his disability (which has been thoroughly debunked) all whilst forgetting she gave a standing ovation for child rapist Roman Polanski at the 2003 Oscars.

When it comes to it, I’m far more likely to believe Trump over the corporate media or Hollywood period. That said, we can’t pretend he’s incapable of making mistakes or isn’t wrong on any particular issue. He’s a human being just like anyone else and this issue is no different. At a press conference, Trump revealed his intention for increase defense spending by 10% in the budget he’ll present in latter half of March. Now to be fair, he intends to cut spending in other areas by the same amount. But why do we need more spending for an already bloated defense budget? We spend as much money as the next seven countries including China spends less than half of what we spend, yet have the largest military in the world and are expanding in the South China Sea.

Even though I’ve got my disagreements with Trump, I continue to support him for the long haul. But when he’s legitimately wrong on something he must be called out on it. If the Trump revolution bears its full fruits at the end of 8 years, then we’ll have come back something resembling a true constitutional republic.

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