All posts by libertyite101

About libertyite101

I'm a lover of animals especially chickens. I raise well over a hundred currently and sell their eggs (and ducks and guinea fowl too). Also side interest in the political realm and criticize the unconstitutional actions of this federal government (particularly this current administration).

A Real Political Spectrum: The further right you go, the more liberty you get. The further left you go, the bigger government gets.


Collectivism                                                                       Libertarianism

Communism                                                                                                       Anarcho-Capitalism

Fascism                                                                                                                              Minarchism

Islamism                                                                                                              Classical Liberalism

National Socialism                                                                                                 Constitutionalism


Trump The Contradiction

104466932-PE_Color.240x240No, I don’t mean Trump is contradictory (though he is certainly that) I mean I’m compelled to support him despite all his wrong policy decisions. For all, I may be frustrated with him, he still has that potential. He had nothing to do with the Middle East shitshow that’s been going on for the better part of 20 years. He could tomorrow if he so wanted to go complete flip-flop and go to Havana, Pyongyang, Beijing, Tehran, Moscow in honest effort to pursue peace. Toss aside the warmongering neocon scum and pursue a realist foreign policy like that of Ron Paul.

Not likely sure, but in the scenario, he was forced out of office then the 2016 election results mean nothing. Enter Mike Pence. As VP he basically serves as an extension of Trump. He’s basically an empty suit. Julian Assange has recently warned that the neocons, shadow government, Mueller, Israel are savaging at Trump’s political capital in order to get President Mike Pence. The bipartisan establishment will have won. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama will not be facing indictments under President Mike Pence. Hillary herself wants Mike Pence in the White House.

Goodbye MAGA. Say hello George W. Bush 2.0. Concurrent wars will continue and there will be new ones. The Military Industrial Complex will continue getting fatter. The welfare state will be left alone largely. The Federal Reserve will be breathing a sigh of relief. The government keeps getting bigger, our liberties continue shrinking in every aspect of our lives.

The DNC will be much more accepting of Pence in the White House. Mueller I guarantee would halt his farcical Russia investigation and the corporate media will stop peddling the Russia collusion narrative largely. Sane voices like Rand Paul, Thomas Massie will be diminished in a Pence administration. The current Iran and North Korea dialogue will just be heightened even further by insane voices of the neocons.

Not in any way saying Trump is great. I have a laundry list of complaints of policy decisions from his administration (saying this as someone who voted for him). Ranging from pushing aggression against Iran, increasing the troop numbers in an unwinnable Afghanistan war, reneging on his promise to pursue peace with Putin and Russia (though the relentless campaign from shadow government, the MIC, and corporate media have a part in that toxicity) on the foreign policy front. Then I have my complaints on the domestic front as well with not cutting spending and appointing a Fed chair who’s no different in philosophy from Obama/Bernanke/Yellen.

But then again, maybe it was inevitable he would be forced to renege on these things he campaigned since Washington, D.C. is a toxic dangerous swamp. And when he’s an important part of this culture war. Exposing the powers that be for who they are. All honesty I don’t know where this all is going. People often say they’re in it for the journey rather than the destination. Well, this sure is one hell of a journey to go on.


You want me to write about something just contact me either @LibertyRevolutionary on Gab or Twitter @LIBERTYSWF. Or just email me at Have a nice day.

Sorry @realDonaldTrump but you’re wrong on defense/military spending

In the month Trump has been the President, the collectivist left, the globalists and corporate media complex have thrown more bullshit on him than any other newly anointed President in recent memory. From the Russia allegations to his business ties with various countries. Most recently Michael Flynn was forced to step down as National Security Advisor for speaking with a Russian official back in December which for some reason is considered a scandal. Then there’s the constant jargon from celebrity elitists about how Trump’s a Fascist, or outright calling for violence against Trump supporters. Or in the case of Meryl Streep, feigning horror at Trump supposedly mocking a reporter for his disability (which has been thoroughly debunked) all whilst forgetting she gave a standing ovation for child rapist Roman Polanski at the 2003 Oscars.

When it comes to it, I’m far more likely to believe Trump over the corporate media or Hollywood period. That said, we can’t pretend he’s incapable of making mistakes or isn’t wrong on any particular issue. He’s a human being just like anyone else and this issue is no different. At a press conference, Trump revealed his intention for increase defense spending by 10% in the budget he’ll present in latter half of March. Now to be fair, he intends to cut spending in other areas by the same amount. But why do we need more spending for an already bloated defense budget? We spend as much money as the next seven countries including China spends less than half of what we spend, yet have the largest military in the world and are expanding in the South China Sea.

Even though I’ve got my disagreements with Trump, I continue to support him for the long haul. But when he’s legitimately wrong on something he must be called out on it. If the Trump revolution bears its full fruits at the end of 8 years, then we’ll have come back something resembling a true constitutional republic.

What I think of President Trump so far

The Good

President Trump started out with a bang pulling out of TPP, shredding Obama-era EOs, bringing back jobs from overseas as well as keeping jobs that would’ve otherwise gone overseas. Much of his cabinet picks are pretty solid (with some exceptions but we’ll get to that later). Gen. James “Mad Dog” Mattis as SecDefense, Rex Tillerson as SoS, Mick Mulvaney as OMB Director and Jeff Sessions as AG are all fantastic. He’s committed to building the wall, reducing immigration and already has the best record of a newly elected President in decades in implementing his promises on the campaign trail. He’s stopping the failed policy of nation building and instead focusing on building peace abroad. Obamacare’s days are numbered for certain which is very welcome.

The Bad

Some appointments I don’t particularly like. Particularly Mike Pompeo as CIA Director who’s terrible on civil liberties *he wants the death penalty for Snowden* and torture which is one issue I strongly disagree with Trump on. Though to his credit, he’s deferred to James Mattis on the matter for right now. Then there’s also the continued dropping of bombs and drone strikes in Yemen. I’m not abandoning Trump by any means, but I do hope there’s a serious change in course from Bush-Obama era policy. The most facepalming of all was Nikki Haley warning off Russia from doing anything supposedly aggressive. Then again, she did endorse ‘Little Marco’ before Trump was the nominee. He needs to tread carefully with potential neocon plants. Then there’s his Treasury Secretary nominee Steve Mnuchin who said in his testimony that the Fed shouldn’t be audited. Though thankfully, Trump doesn’t appear to be listening as he’s ready to sign Audit the Fed legislation being pushed by Rand Paul and Thomas Massie to be passed once and for all.

The Mixed

Then there are his actions with Iran. In all honesty, I have very complicated opinions on this issue. On one hand, they’re a proven sponsor of terrorism and don’t want them to get a bomb. On the other, I don’t want another bloody Middle Eastern war to break out. I’d have to wait and see what comes of this. Also, there’s his ambitious trillion $$$ infrastructure plan which while well-intentioned, I wish was reserved to the states. Then there’s the price tag considering we’ve got a debt bomb coming being accelerated by the Federal Reserve. This is another wait and see kind of thing.


Ultimately definitely a lot more positive than negative two weeks into the era of Trump. And the left is only helping him better his chances of reelection in several years time by rioting and threatening to “punch Trump supporters” and openly support violent riots against conservative/libertarian voices such as Milo Yiannopoulas for merely having different opinions. Overall I’d give Trump an A- or even an A for his total number of actions so far. Democrats as a party are self-destructing with only 12 state legislatures, 16 governorships and a grand total of 5 states with full government control. And a decent chance in the 2018 midterms that they’ll be mirroring from where they were in ’09-10 with just 40 seats as ten or so states with Democrat Senators voted for Trump. Let me know what you think.

Twelve revolutionary acts that’ll make Donald Trump the greatest president in history and will make America truly great and free again UPDATED

  1. Selling off all federally owned land which includes national parks and reserves. Currently the federal government owned 640 million acres of land which is 28% of all of land in the United States. I start out with this cause this is an issue that literally almost nobody talks about. NOBODY. The federal government has constitutional obligation or authority to own any land other than say District of Columbia or any plots federal buildings sit on top of. National parks were first started by Teddy Roosevelt by executive order without any say from the states. Trump should simply give it back to states and private landowners, ranchers and contracters. If he were to sell off $50 an acre take that number multiple it with 640 million; that makes 32 billion dollars. A lost part of federalism would be restored overnight.
  2. Cut spending – BY A LOT. Cut spending where it isn’t needed or re-appropriate it to different areas. Cut the education department, cut the EPA, cut the DEA, cut the FDA, the education department, the NSA, the CIA, the FBI, HUD, the Pentagon. Any kind of spending that isn’t needed in those departments (waste, fraud, abuse etc) needs to go.
  3. Eliminate unconstitutional departments. This is an extension of no.2. Departments that must go immediately; Education, EPA, DEA, FDA, HUD all gotta go. Give education and environmental issues fully back to the states. Same with drug issues and that means ending the War on Drugs and War on Poverty once in for all.
  4. Completely clean house of the neocons in the State Department and cut it. They’re bent on trying to make Russia heal and push on for endless wars in the Middle East. Fire them all and replace them with more rationally minded people on foreign policy.
  5. Bring home troops and shut down military bases overseas. We have total of 700 bases beyond our borders. Contrast to the supposedly evil Russia which has a grand total of TWO bases outside her borders. Should start with pulling back from eastern Europe and that further extends to NATO.
  6. Pull out of NATO and the UN. These two institutions have long outlived their purposes and only cause more wars and more destruction. In addition dismantle UN headquarters in New York.
  7. After repealing Obamacare, go even further in withdrawing the federal government from healthcare. Give it back to the states and let the free market thrive again. The free market hasn’t been in healthcare for 4-5 decades since Medicaid and massive regulations of healthcare were passed. Repeal and dismantle federal regulations on healthcare. Free up and liberalize the market so there’s real competition with big pharma companies like Aetna, Blue Cross among others. Let more laissez faire health centers like the Oklahoma Surgery Center. Open up competition. Lower costs of care. The healthcare industry will thrive like it hasn’t ever before.
  8. Repeal the Patriot Act, reign in the surveillance state and resurrect the 4th amendment. Admittedly on this one Trump has been a bit weak or hasn’t taken a strong position on it. But I think after all the espionage shit the CIA and neocons have doing with him there’s a decent chance he could become a strong advocate for civil liberties given time. He should be listening to Ron and Rand Paul with this.
  9. Decentralize and shrink the federal government. Further empower the states and federalism.
  10. Repeal the 16th amendment. This is part of what I like to call the God awful trio *get to the other two in a moment* that which has greatly empowered and grown the federal government way beyond constitutional boundaries in the past 100+ years. Initially the income tax was only 1% aimed only at the rich which back then was considered anyone making 25,000 (603.58 thousand in today’s cash) or more per a year. The progressives back then including Woodrow Wilson promised the rate wouldn’t go beyond that. And like all promises from progressive elitists that promise was quickly broken dramatically increasing the highest tax bracket from 1% to 70% in just a few years. That rate was lowered to 25% under Harding-Coolidge resulting in the Roaring 20s. Then was dramatically increased again under Hoover to 63% and then further to over 90% under FDR. Currently the highest bracket stands at 40% for those making 250 thousand or more annually. Trump’s current proposal to bring the tax brackets down from 7 to just 3 is pretty damn good, but he could go much further than that by proposing a 10% flat tax rate similar to what Rand Paul proposed during his run for the Republican nomination a year ago. That should mean eliminating the corporate income tax altogether as well as the payroll and Medicare taxes which are the only two federal taxes that affect most of the population. Eventually he should propose to repeal the 16th amendment via a constitutional convention.
  11. Repeal the 17th amendment. The Senate was never meant to be popularly elected. The people’s house is the House of Representatives which is why all 435 members are up every two years so the public can clean house entirely if they so wanted *though that hasn’t really happened in the modern era thanks to gerrymandering, the power of incumbency and lack of term limits*. The House is proportionally represented by population of every state with California having a hefty 53 congressional districts contrasted with Wyoming which just has one. It’s fairly democratic in a sense. The Senate though is deliberately anti-democratic so as to give all states an equal voice. Back in early American history if New York was in huge favor of a bill, but Delaware and Rhode Island were strongly opposed, it could easily pass the House but stopped in the Senate where each of those states have equal voices. Today the same is true where California lopsidedly outvotes Wyoming in the House, but each have two equal voices in the Senate. To that extent it was decided since that the House was elected by the people, Senators would be appointed by state legislatures. That remained so up until 1914 when the 17th amendment went into effect establishing direct popular elections for all Senators. Previously a number of states had already approved popular vote elections such as Oregon. Where previously Senators served their states, now they were at service of Washington cronies and lobbyists. Since that time federalism and the 10th amendment have been severely weakened and the federal government grown stronger. It’s been suggested that if this horrific amendment wasn’t passed then Obamacare wouldn’t of become reality. If you look at the make of states during the 111th Congress, some states such as North Dakota which had two Democratic Senators vote for Obamacare had a Republican governor and state legislature which staunchly opposed Obamacare’s passage. In a scenario where states still appointed Senators, a lot of Senators who unhesitatingly voted for Obamacare wouldn’t of done so as even a lot of state level Democrats didn’t like how it was originally passed. If you repeal the 17th amendment you restore the states’ proper role and voice in the Congress.
  12. Eliminate the Federal Reserve. Ever since it’s creation the free market has been increasingly watered down to the point where it’s no longer a true free market. You can’t have true free market capitalism while the money supply is controlled by a central banking system. After the Fed’s introduction other western countries adopted the model and now virtually every country in the world has a central bank of some sorts. The Fed has been at cause of every economic crash and depression since it’s creation via the supply of cheap money and cheap credit. The worst of what it’s done though has been since Alan Greenspan was appointed Fed chairman *a supposed gold nik libertarian who went to the Dark Side* who paved the way for the modern era of cheap easy money and full implementation of Keynesian model of economics. Since his appointment in August of 1987 close to 30 years ago, the value of the dollar has plummeted so far so fast down and real wealth has declined in Middle America which as David Stockman points out in his new book Trumped! led to the rise of Donald Trump. Eliminating the Federal Reserve will be a long and hard task to accomplish but certainly a great start is to audit the Fed which Rand Paul has picked up where his father left off with his exit from Congress in 2013 and Trump has said he’ll legislation to audit it. He should go even further and suggest the Fed’s power should be far more limited which could pave the way to its eventual phasing out. If that were to be accomplished then a true free market could return.

If Trump can do all or just some of these revolutionary act then he’d be the greatest President in the modern era and America would be at its freest and most prosperous in more than a century.


Nazi Germany 2.0

Merkel’s Germany is devolving back to fascism with government enforced censorship particularly with those who disagree with the current policy on the migrant crisis and taking in 1 million+ rfugees that come from cultures completely incompatible with western liberal values. The German government is acting very fascistic with the frivolous censorship and silencing those critical of how Merkel is handling the migrant crisis.

Sharia courts are an increasingly common occurrence throughout Germany with the exploding number of Muslims. And the government isn’t touching any of them out of fear of being called racist *even though Islam isn’t a race*. Similar cases in Britain where many thousands of young white British girls ages 10-14 were trafficked, raped by Pakistani Muslims from 1997 to 2013 where the police did nothing about it out of fear of being called the R word. And apparently too busy harassing Tommy Robinson cause he’s concerned about his country being taken over by Islamists.

The German government recently introduced legislation where they’d fine Facebook everyday if they didn’t remove so-called ‘hate speech’. Considering Facebook’s behavior of the past year it’s a given they’re gonna bend like jello. This all here is textbook Fascism.

The Left will of course say that Fascism is far-right conservatism when it’s total bullshit. Read up Thomas DiLorenzo’s The Problem with Socialism for more. Also should be noted that Islam and Fascism are very similar towards one another as they share the same affinity for tyrannical collectivism and extreme hatred for Jews. One of the talking points of the Left is that Nazism is pro-Christian; total crock as Hitler and the higher ups the Nazi Party weren’t Christian in any sense whatsoever.

Most commonly they were either neo-pagan or outright secular/atheist. True that Germany was 94% Christian at that time, but Hitler manipulated them into thinking he was one of them when in fact he was working behind the scenes to seed out Christianity from German society. I could easily imagine if Hitler were alive today he’d love the idea of the European Union as it means ever centralized control over nation-states and stricter gun controls which the Nazis fondled over. Hitler also admired Islam to the point where he in private complained that Germany ended up with the ‘wrong religion’ being Christianity. He made alliances with Arab nations in the Middle East and there was even a Muslim brigade in the SS.

Today Islam is slowly taking over Germany which itself is very related to German Nazism with it’s general collectivist tyranny and extreme hatred towards Jews. Today Jews are being driven out of Europe in numbers not seen since the 1930s due to the high volume of Muslim migrants coming in. As is Germany’s future looks bleak as long as they continue down the same path. They’ll be taken over by Islamist ideology and white cucked leftists love it. Or maybe they’ll reverse course before it’s too late. The German federal elections next year will give us a good glimpse of what Germany’s fate will be. Let’s hope they choose to reverse course.

How Gary Johnson and Jill Stein can guarantee the defeat of Hillary Clinton

While the democrat-controlled Media Industrial Complex are venting what a disaster the Trump campaign supposedly is and Media Matters is digging to find the worst possible dirt on the Donald such as putting up a slew of white supremacists who praised his speech in Mexico (while conspicuously ignoring the Clinton’s history blatant racism), Hillary is getting bad news every week from the FBI releasing more on her. Even so much as Hillary herself admitting her increasingly obvious bad health. With this increasing pressure of bad news, she’s starting to bleed voters even despite the bias in polls toward over sampling Democrats.

It’s very possible that Gary Johnson and Jill Stein can help facilitate the defeat of Hillary Clinton if/when things get so bad to the point Democrats start jumping ship. Johnson has ballot access to just about all 50 states and Jill has over 40 by this point which is well and enough to make difference in hurting Donald or Hillary. The old theory goes that the Libertarian Party will the Republican nominee doesn’t really fit anymore. Johnson is attracting equal number of discontented Republicans and Democrats, in fact there’s more Democrats attracted to Johnson than Republicans due to the mounting corruption of Hillary.

Now granted that increasing steam third parties get in polls typically gain throughout the campaign typically loss it as we get closer to election day and voters are complacent with voting for lesser of two evils. However this time things could be different. The aforementioned corruption of the Clintons is the primary reason and the royal screwing the DNC gave Bernie during the primaries all but openly favoring Hillary. These Berners I think are key to this as many will refuse to cast vote for Hillary Clinton.

They were won over by Bernie’s message about corruption, cronyism on Wall Street which Hillary is as deep in as you can get. She’s the most pro-Wall Street candidate to run for President in history. She’ll maybe half of Berners at best. The rest will go either Gary Johnson of the Libertarians, Jill Stein of the Greens, Donald Trump (possibly as much as a third of them) or simply stay home on election day. That or they’ll still go to the polls and won’t fill out a ballot for President.

As this trend of corruption continues to unfold for Hillary Clinton, more voters will be turned off. Her favorable ratings among Latinos, women and self-ID liberals plummeted big time while Donald’s positives slowly but gradually go up. Many current Hillary supporters I think will abandon her go for either Gary Johnson and/or Jill Stein. If this along with the Berners voting Libertarian or Green happens, Hillary could plummet well below 45% in the popular vote.

Final popular vote result be something like this; Trump, 46%; Hillary, 33%; Johnson, 14%; Jill, 6%; everyone else, 1%. If that were to happen, Ross Perot ’92 all over again, this time working heavily against Hillary where it worked for husband 24 years ago. Trump would easily win a Reagan-like electoral landslide with those popular vote numbers. Democrats would be full meltdown mode all over the news the next day seeing mass exodus of their voters to the Libertarian and Green party candidates and even Trump to lesser extent. Will this happen? Time will tell. Let me know what you think.

Several reasons why the Libertarian Party has become anti-open borders and semi-nationalist

  1. The welfare state. Almost half of all immigrants are on welfare and 62% of the illegal immigrants are on welfare compared to only 30% of American natives. Those numbers are not sustainable in the long run as it means more printing from the Fed, more votes for the Democrat Party to become even more electorally supreme.
  2. Immigrants at large will vote for the leftist party (the Democrats in this case) as it means increased welfare benefits. Libertarians claim that if you’re for open borders then you’ll attract immigrants over. Well that’s not exactly true. The overall voter electorate is 75% white European or Caucasian. The Libertarian Party’s ethnic makeup is 85% white European. At large almost a third of all Anglo-Saxon whites identify or lean libertarian. Only 12% of Latinos identify or lean libertarian and 6% of black Americans say so as well according Pew Research polling. Latinos who make up most of the immigrants legal or not want larger government. And yet the Libertarian Party (as well as think tanks like the Reason Foundation which otherwise does excellent work on pointing the follies of big government) think it’s a good idea to have open borders inviting in more people who are ideologically opposed to you. That’d be like the NBA firing all of their black players for Chinese people. There are of course tall Chinese people, but on average they’re much shorter than blacks and therefore aren’t gonna be able to dunk as easily as Lebron James. Just not gonna work.
  3. Open borders can invite terrorism in. All you have to do is look at Germany now having invited in over a million unvetted migrants. One of the San Bernardino shooters was from Saudi Arabia and supposedly passed security measures with “flying colors”. Omar Mateen’s family originally came from Afghanistan. Since 9/11 we’ve ratchet up the number of immigrants we get from the Arab world. And we’re starting to see the effects of it now. The refugee crisis which is really an invasion is what is fueling the rise of European right-wing parties from the French National Front party led by Marine Le Pen along with her niece Marion Marechal-Le Pen to UKIP under Nigel Farage up until recently and the Dutch Party of Freedom under Geert Wilders. And of course Donald Trump here as well as the Republican nominee. The Libertarian Party needs to become more nationalist in order to attract more voters over. Open borders as a concept is intriguing and has worked in the past when there was no welfare/warfare state present. But this isn’t the right age for it with the rise of Islam and the massive welfare state.
  4. Speaking of Islam, some aspects of the Libertarian Party has become to close with Islam which inherently is viciously anti-libertarian and anti-western. Not saying they need to become more hawkish as of course the wars in the Middle East in the past 15 years after 9/11 have been disasters. And I myself believe in the principles of the framers of non-aggression in foreign affairs. However that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t actively oppose ideologies that literally want to destroy the West.

There’s unfortunately other issues with the Libertarian Party such as embracing Black Lives Matters which has warped into racial supremacist group not unlike the KKK. And there’s things about Gary Johnson that has me entirely turned off from voting Libertarian this year such as again his embrace of BLM, his unsurprising favor of open borders and justifying state sanctioned force against business owners who don’t wanna provide for same-sex weddings as matter of conscience. And his choosing of former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld as his VP who’s no libertarian whatsoever who’s backed the Iraq War, eminent domain, gun control and even recently said consider appointing justices like Breyer or Ginsburg.

Throughout the summer the Libertarian Party has been doing well in polling data getting as much as 10 to 13 percent of the vote and may get into the debates with Trump and Hillary. In the end though, I suspect Gary Johnson will at best get 4 or 5 percent of the national popular vote. Probably will only get 2 or 3 percent in the end which will equally take votes from Trump and Hillary. Bottom line if the Libertarian Party wants to do well in the future and broaden its appeal, it must adopt an anti-open borders platform and seriously discuss the disturbing aspects of Islam among other things. That includes adopting more pro-life friendly language. Let me know what you think.

Why Donald Trump Will Win

To start with, Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt nominee of a major political party in decades. She’s so corrupt that Richard Nixon is rising from the grave to mock her. She’s been involved with so many scandals and corruption for years ranging from Whitewater to Bosnia, the Clinton Foundation, the email scandal, Benghazi and other notables. I suggest you go watch BlackPigeon’s video on the Clinton’s top ten scandals.

Based on the corruption and scandals of the Clintons, Trump I believe will win the White House on election day. Yes the polls show him down by six points almost, but that’s due to the post-DNC bounce for one. And another thing, people have a tendency to lie to live pollsters about who they’re voting for.

Roger Stone observed recently on the Alex Jones show that the polls underestimate Trump’s support by 5-7 percentage points or possibly more. Also let’s not forget that pollsters can manipulate the questioning to make undecided voters swing a particular direction. Reuters removed the “undecided/neither” option in their polling track so as to give Hillary Clinton a slight advantage.

Another thing is that Bernie voters don’t like Hillary at all and felt betrayed when their guy Bernie sold out. He spent his entire career railing against Wall Street, cronyism and corruption, only to endorse a candidate of Wall Street, cronyism and corruption Hillary Clinton. You go to live ground and many Bernie voters say they’re willing to vote for Donald Trump over Hillary.

I’m thinking Hillary will only get maybe half at best of all Bernie supporters and the rest will either support Trump, Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party or just stay home on election day. Trump can get as much as a third of those people which can easily be enough to deliver him to the White House.

I think Donald Trump at a minimum will win somewhere around 270 to 280 electoral votes which will of course be enough get him elected President. Though I think he could win more than that – MUCH MORE. I think he’ll be the first GOP nominee since George Sr. to win Pennsylvania which has got a lot of blue collar Democrat voters who are resonated with his rhetoric on NAFTA and poor trade deals that have left America in a worse off position in terms of jobs and economic growth. And it was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA as President.

Same goes for Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois and even New Jersey potentially. And Trump should also win every other swing state as well. My thinking is that the most probably victory margin for him is somewhere around

With all that said though, we should still be vigilant and careful. Considering how many states Bernie Sanders won in the Democrat primary and if you take out the super-delegates (many of whom are lobbyists), he would’ve been the rightful nominee of the Democratic Party. A Bernie vs Trump race would’ve been more honest and more healthy for the Democratic process.

Hillary stole it out from under his feet with a mix of voter fraud and the aforementioned super-delegates. If she’s willing to steal the Democrat nomination from Bernie, then what’s to stop her from stealing the White House from Trump? If the final result is dependent on one or two states, then Hillary’s goons can easily tip the scales through voter fraud which is far more rampant than leftists would say.

And it’s not just the Democrats using voter fraud, it’s been used by the other side as well if you look at the 2004 Presidential race where GWB implausibly won reelection against John Kerry. Roger Stone in a recent interview with Stefan Molyneux said that Karl Rove used voter fraud to (ultimately unsuccessfully) give Ohio to Romney hence why Rove had said on Fox News that night four years ago said Romney won the state while the final results showed Obama winning it. Clearly someone came in with a better deal.

Now I’m still optimistic about Trump winning (as well as Republicans keeping hold of Congress), we just need to keep our guard up for the unexpected as the Clintons will do anything to grab power. The worse thing we can possibly do is be complacent.

Trump 2016 (cause fuck the political elites)

I’ve admittedly gone back and forth in the past year on Donald Trump. I started out as staunchly anti-Trump and would often get into heated twitter debates with Trumpites. However in the past several months (particularly after Rand Paul left the Republican race), I’ve slowly grown fond of Trump especially in face of such irrational hatred from the so called “tolerant” left-wing. They call him fascist constantly and compare him to Hitler even though they’re actually the ones are being fascist by attacking and harassing Trump supporters at rallies, most recently being in San Jose where a woman got egg thrown in her face by Bernie supporters waving Mexican flags around.

My biggest reason for supporting Trump is his immigration policy which would place in odd position with some of my fellow libertarians who are unwisely pro-open borders. I use to like Gary Johnson quite a lot and appreciate the work he did as New Mexico Governor as well as a business man. But his tactic of calling Trump racist makes him indistinguishable from left-wing Bernie supporters. I’ve also major issues with him ranging from his endorsement of wedding cake fascism to choosing very unlibertarian Bill Weld as his VP who previously endorsed left-leaning John Kasich for President who passed Medicaid expansion in Ohio which is only gonna bankrupt the state in the long run.

Then there’s his record as Governor of Massachusetts. When he first ran back in 1990, he promised to slash spending and the bureaucracy and he only ended up increasing it dramatically. Now his governorship wasn’t all that bad as back then, Massachusetts was known as “Taxachusetts”. Today it’s pretty middle of the road on business friendliness and economic freedom which is thanks to Bill Weld in good part. But the fact he failed to actually cut the bureaucracy and is now the VP for the Libertarian Party puts it in great danger of placing it back into irrelevance. And I’m saying this as someone who recently re-registered as a Libertarian right after Oklahoma officially recognized the party once again (our state is incredibly notorious for having the toughest election ballot laws in the country making third party recognition near impossible).

Back to Donald Trump, it’s not just the left but some on the #NeverTrump right who’ve called him Hitler with failed Republican nominee for California Governor Meg Whitman saying this most recently. This has become tiring and cliched by this point. Also I’ll say that those call Trump “Hitler”, you might wanna look up what Hitler himself said about Islam.

So to the political establishment, FUCK YOU BIG TIME. TRUMP 2016.