Category Archives: Germany

Nazi Germany 2.0

Merkel’s Germany is devolving back to fascism with government enforced censorship particularly with those who disagree with the current policy on the migrant crisis and taking in 1 million+ rfugees that come from cultures completely incompatible with western liberal values. The German government is acting very fascistic with the frivolous censorship and silencing those critical of how Merkel is handling the migrant crisis.

Sharia courts are an increasingly common occurrence throughout Germany with the exploding number of Muslims. And the government isn’t touching any of them out of fear of being called racist *even though Islam isn’t a race*. Similar cases in Britain where many thousands of young white British girls ages 10-14 were trafficked, raped by Pakistani Muslims from 1997 to 2013 where the police did nothing about it out of fear of being called the R word. And apparently too busy harassing Tommy Robinson cause he’s concerned about his country being taken over by Islamists.

The German government recently introduced legislation where they’d fine Facebook everyday if they didn’t remove so-called ‘hate speech’. Considering Facebook’s behavior of the past year it’s a given they’re gonna bend like jello. This all here is textbook Fascism.

The Left will of course say that Fascism is far-right conservatism when it’s total bullshit. Read up Thomas DiLorenzo’s The Problem with Socialism for more. Also should be noted that Islam and Fascism are very similar towards one another as they share the same affinity for tyrannical collectivism and extreme hatred for Jews. One of the talking points of the Left is that Nazism is pro-Christian; total crock as Hitler and the higher ups the Nazi Party weren’t Christian in any sense whatsoever.

Most commonly they were either neo-pagan or outright secular/atheist. True that Germany was 94% Christian at that time, but Hitler manipulated them into thinking he was one of them when in fact he was working behind the scenes to seed out Christianity from German society. I could easily imagine if Hitler were alive today he’d love the idea of the European Union as it means ever centralized control over nation-states and stricter gun controls which the Nazis fondled over. Hitler also admired Islam to the point where he in private complained that Germany ended up with the ‘wrong religion’ being Christianity. He made alliances with Arab nations in the Middle East and there was even a Muslim brigade in the SS.

Today Islam is slowly taking over Germany which itself is very related to German Nazism with it’s general collectivist tyranny and extreme hatred towards Jews. Today Jews are being driven out of Europe in numbers not seen since the 1930s due to the high volume of Muslim migrants coming in. As is Germany’s future looks bleak as long as they continue down the same path. They’ll be taken over by Islamist ideology and white cucked leftists love it. Or maybe they’ll reverse course before it’s too late. The German federal elections next year will give us a good glimpse of what Germany’s fate will be. Let’s hope they choose to reverse course.