Tag Archives: Clinton corruption

Why Donald Trump Will Win

To start with, Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt nominee of a major political party in decades. She’s so corrupt that Richard Nixon is rising from the grave to mock her. She’s been involved with so many scandals and corruption for years ranging from Whitewater to Bosnia, the Clinton Foundation, the email scandal, Benghazi and other notables. I suggest you go watch BlackPigeon’s video on the Clinton’s top ten scandals.

Based on the corruption and scandals of the Clintons, Trump I believe will win the White House on election day. Yes the polls show him down by six points almost, but that’s due to the post-DNC bounce for one. And another thing, people have a tendency to lie to live pollsters about who they’re voting for.

Roger Stone observed recently on the Alex Jones show that the polls underestimate Trump’s support by 5-7 percentage points or possibly more. Also let’s not forget that pollsters can manipulate the questioning to make undecided voters swing a particular direction. Reuters removed the “undecided/neither” option in their polling track so as to give Hillary Clinton a slight advantage.

Another thing is that Bernie voters don’t like Hillary at all and felt betrayed when their guy Bernie sold out. He spent his entire career railing against Wall Street, cronyism and corruption, only to endorse a candidate of Wall Street, cronyism and corruption Hillary Clinton. You go to live ground and many Bernie voters say they’re willing to vote for Donald Trump over Hillary.

I’m thinking Hillary will only get maybe half at best of all Bernie supporters and the rest will either support Trump, Green Party nominee Jill Stein, Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party or just stay home on election day. Trump can get as much as a third of those people which can easily be enough to deliver him to the White House.

I think Donald Trump at a minimum will win somewhere around 270 to 280 electoral votes which will of course be enough get him elected President. Though I think he could win more than that – MUCH MORE. I think he’ll be the first GOP nominee since George Sr. to win Pennsylvania which has got a lot of blue collar Democrat voters who are resonated with his rhetoric on NAFTA and poor trade deals that have left America in a worse off position in terms of jobs and economic growth. And it was Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA as President.

Same goes for Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois and even New Jersey potentially. And Trump should also win every other swing state as well. My thinking is that the most probably victory margin for him is somewhere around

With all that said though, we should still be vigilant and careful. Considering how many states Bernie Sanders won in the Democrat primary and if you take out the super-delegates (many of whom are lobbyists), he would’ve been the rightful nominee of the Democratic Party. A Bernie vs Trump race would’ve been more honest and more healthy for the Democratic process.

Hillary stole it out from under his feet with a mix of voter fraud and the aforementioned super-delegates. If she’s willing to steal the Democrat nomination from Bernie, then what’s to stop her from stealing the White House from Trump? If the final result is dependent on one or two states, then Hillary’s goons can easily tip the scales through voter fraud which is far more rampant than leftists would say.

And it’s not just the Democrats using voter fraud, it’s been used by the other side as well if you look at the 2004 Presidential race where GWB implausibly won reelection against John Kerry. Roger Stone in a recent interview with Stefan Molyneux said that Karl Rove used voter fraud to (ultimately unsuccessfully) give Ohio to Romney hence why Rove had said on Fox News that night four years ago said Romney won the state while the final results showed Obama winning it. Clearly someone came in with a better deal.

Now I’m still optimistic about Trump winning (as well as Republicans keeping hold of Congress), we just need to keep our guard up for the unexpected as the Clintons will do anything to grab power. The worse thing we can possibly do is be complacent.