Tag Archives: Fascism

Trump 2016 (cause fuck the political elites)

I’ve admittedly gone back and forth in the past year on Donald Trump. I started out as staunchly anti-Trump and would often get into heated twitter debates with Trumpites. However in the past several months (particularly after Rand Paul left the Republican race), I’ve slowly grown fond of Trump especially in face of such irrational hatred from the so called “tolerant” left-wing. They call him fascist constantly and compare him to Hitler even though they’re actually the ones are being fascist by attacking and harassing Trump supporters at rallies, most recently being in San Jose where a woman got egg thrown in her face by Bernie supporters waving Mexican flags around.

My biggest reason for supporting Trump is his immigration policy which would place in odd position with some of my fellow libertarians who are unwisely pro-open borders. I use to like Gary Johnson quite a lot and appreciate the work he did as New Mexico Governor as well as a business man. But his tactic of calling Trump racist makes him indistinguishable from left-wing Bernie supporters. I’ve also major issues with him ranging from his endorsement of wedding cake fascism to choosing very unlibertarian Bill Weld as his VP who previously endorsed left-leaning John Kasich for President who passed Medicaid expansion in Ohio which is only gonna bankrupt the state in the long run.

Then there’s his record as Governor of Massachusetts. When he first ran back in 1990, he promised to slash spending and the bureaucracy and he only ended up increasing it dramatically. Now his governorship wasn’t all that bad as back then, Massachusetts was known as “Taxachusetts”. Today it’s pretty middle of the road on business friendliness and economic freedom which is thanks to Bill Weld in good part. But the fact he failed to actually cut the bureaucracy and is now the VP for the Libertarian Party puts it in great danger of placing it back into irrelevance. And I’m saying this as someone who recently re-registered as a Libertarian right after Oklahoma officially recognized the party once again (our state is incredibly notorious for having the toughest election ballot laws in the country making third party recognition near impossible).

Back to Donald Trump, it’s not just the left but some on the #NeverTrump right who’ve called him Hitler with failed Republican nominee for California Governor Meg Whitman saying this most recently. This has become tiring and cliched by this point. Also I’ll say that those call Trump “Hitler”, you might wanna look up what Hitler himself said about Islam.

So to the political establishment, FUCK YOU BIG TIME. TRUMP 2016.