Tag Archives: foreign policy

Congress Doesn’t Change Much

As I’m typing looks like Congress is likely to pass another trillion dollar spending package widely supported by both parties that keeps the government open. For as much as I’d rather have the GOP in control as it means Dipshit can’t do anymore damage, doesn’t mean anything changes significantly. The GOP has almost as bad a habit of out of control spending and expanding govt. power as do the Democrats. Just look at the 4 and a half years they were in charge under G.W. Bush. From the Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D which was the largest expansion of the welfare state since LBJ’s Great Society (that is until Obamacare came along).

Not to mention the GOP’s strong habit of foreign interventionism in the Iraq War which in the long run has only resulted total chaos in the region and allowed the rise of barbarians known as ISIS. Afghanistan was initially justified since they attacked us first, but we should’ve withdraw all troops after just 3 or 4 years as opposed to 15 or more (depending on what kind of deal this current administration works out with the Afghan government on how many troops to keep there how long). And keep in mind that right after Bush was elected in 2000, the GOP promised a humble foreign policy. Look how that turned out.

Democrats promised similar arrangements after Obama was elected. Now he’s even worse than Bush when it comes to reckless foreign interventions from Libya and (almost) Syria. Also not mention constant bombing with drones in other countries. And even worse on American civil liberties. I suggest keeping very low expectations of a GOP congress as we’ve seen this before, though at least individuals like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Thomas Massie, Justin Amash and others will keep things accountable of what happens.

What do you think? Is there any improvements I should make? Make yourself heard in the comments section below. Have a great day!