Tag Archives: Georgia

Nothing less than pure Obedience will be accepted

All that the left wants is submission. Nothing more or less. The whole thing of North Carolina passing a law banning any municipal accommodation of trannys into the opposite gendered restroom or the Mississippi bill which protects freedom of conscience for small businesses is just all an excuse.

Corporations are now jumping on board all giddy (including Disney very hypocritically among other big Hollywood big shots; Disney I loved The Force Awakens but you’re shooting yourselves in the foot big time). PayPal is abandoning its plans to expand in North Carolina. And countless celebrities and other corporations are lining up for the count. And they’re doing this over nothing. The only reason why I think they’re doing this boycott of North Carolina and Mississippi (and almost did so in Georgia) is to appease to the SJWs and regressive left even they’re a tiny TINY minority.

What the left is doing here has nothing to do with tolerance, it’s all about control and dominance. From the countless cases of religious liberty violations to threatened boycotts, it’s no different from what Nazi Germany did to the Jews and Jewish owned businesses. Or like what the KKK did to blacks and black owned businesses in the Jim Crow South 80 some years ago.

Ultimately I believe in going full laissez faire letting businesses big or small grant or deny service to whoever the hell they please. Christian-owned businesses can deny service to gay couples and the same can apply for gay-owned businesses as well. A white business owner can refuse service to black people and black-owned businesses can do the same to white people. They may be douchebags who don’t deserve customers (and probably would lose customers anyway), but the State has no business being involved one way or the other.

Gay left activists and SJWs are no different from the KKK in that both are authoritarian jackasses dictating what people may or may not do one direction or the other. Anti-discrimination laws force people to service whatever group has special status most commonly gays and minorities. Jim Crow laws dictate who you may or may not service. It’s fascist totalitarianism. That’s all I have to say.