Tag Archives: Immigration

Several reasons why the Libertarian Party has become anti-open borders and semi-nationalist

  1. The welfare state. Almost half of all immigrants are on welfare and 62% of the illegal immigrants are on welfare compared to only 30% of American natives. Those numbers are not sustainable in the long run as it means more printing from the Fed, more votes for the Democrat Party to become even more electorally supreme.
  2. Immigrants at large will vote for the leftist party (the Democrats in this case) as it means increased welfare benefits. Libertarians claim that if you’re for open borders then you’ll attract immigrants over. Well that’s not exactly true. The overall voter electorate is 75% white European or Caucasian. The Libertarian Party’s ethnic makeup is 85% white European. At large almost a third of all Anglo-Saxon whites identify or lean libertarian. Only 12% of Latinos identify or lean libertarian and 6% of black Americans say so as well according Pew Research polling. Latinos who make up most of the immigrants legal or not want larger government. And yet the Libertarian Party (as well as think tanks like the Reason Foundation which otherwise does excellent work on pointing the follies of big government) think it’s a good idea to have open borders inviting in more people who are ideologically opposed to you. That’d be like the NBA firing all of their black players for Chinese people. There are of course tall Chinese people, but on average they’re much shorter than blacks and therefore aren’t gonna be able to dunk as easily as Lebron James. Just not gonna work.
  3. Open borders can invite terrorism in. All you have to do is look at Germany now having invited in over a million unvetted migrants. One of the San Bernardino shooters was from Saudi Arabia and supposedly passed security measures with “flying colors”. Omar Mateen’s family originally came from Afghanistan. Since 9/11 we’ve ratchet up the number of immigrants we get from the Arab world. And we’re starting to see the effects of it now. The refugee crisis which is really an invasion is what is fueling the rise of European right-wing parties from the French National Front party led by Marine Le Pen along with her niece Marion Marechal-Le Pen to UKIP under Nigel Farage up until recently and the Dutch Party of Freedom under Geert Wilders. And of course Donald Trump here as well as the Republican nominee. The Libertarian Party needs to become more nationalist in order to attract more voters over. Open borders as a concept is intriguing and has worked in the past when there was no welfare/warfare state present. But this isn’t the right age for it with the rise of Islam and the massive welfare state.
  4. Speaking of Islam, some aspects of the Libertarian Party has become to close with Islam which inherently is viciously anti-libertarian and anti-western. Not saying they need to become more hawkish as of course the wars in the Middle East in the past 15 years after 9/11 have been disasters. And I myself believe in the principles of the framers of non-aggression in foreign affairs. However that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t actively oppose ideologies that literally want to destroy the West.

There’s unfortunately other issues with the Libertarian Party such as embracing Black Lives Matters which has warped into racial supremacist group not unlike the KKK. And there’s things about Gary Johnson that has me entirely turned off from voting Libertarian this year such as again his embrace of BLM, his unsurprising favor of open borders and justifying state sanctioned force against business owners who don’t wanna provide for same-sex weddings as matter of conscience. And his choosing of former Massachusetts governor Bill Weld as his VP who’s no libertarian whatsoever who’s backed the Iraq War, eminent domain, gun control and even recently said consider appointing justices like Breyer or Ginsburg.

Throughout the summer the Libertarian Party has been doing well in polling data getting as much as 10 to 13 percent of the vote and may get into the debates with Trump and Hillary. In the end though, I suspect Gary Johnson will at best get 4 or 5 percent of the national popular vote. Probably will only get 2 or 3 percent in the end which will equally take votes from Trump and Hillary. Bottom line if the Libertarian Party wants to do well in the future and broaden its appeal, it must adopt an anti-open borders platform and seriously discuss the disturbing aspects of Islam among other things. That includes adopting more pro-life friendly language. Let me know what you think.