Tag Archives: Obama

Why I’m not #NeverTrump or #NeverNeverTrump

Over the course of the year since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in June of last year, my feels for him have been as fluid as water. I was initially vehemently anti-Trump due to his well known past of donating to Democrat leftist politicians from the likes of Chuck Schumer, Anthony Weiner, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama etc. And some of his economic policies I wasn’t too happy about (and I’m still not sure honestly). Though over the course of 11 months with the radical anti-liberty Left obsessively attacking Trump anything from his supposed misogyny, racism, xenophobia etc, I’ve increasingly become more receptive to him especially over his immigration stances which is one of two things I 100% agree with on (the other being the dangers of Islam as a religion).

For a time I was an enthusiastic supporter of Rand Paul well over a year before he announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination and I continue to support him for a 2nd term in the Senate. While I was disappointed he withdrew from the race several months ago, I wasn’t surprised as he wasn’t polling all that well in the final month or two of his campaign. I think the primary reason why his campaign didn’t work out like it would’ve been preferred was Trump’s being in the race which drew a lot of voters I think would’ve otherwise supported Rand.

In fact, there’s a good number of libertarians (obviously not those at Reason.com since they love open borders) who are now supporting Trump including notable individuals like former Ron Paul staffer Lew Rockwell and Austrian economist Walter Block who’s actually formed the organization Libertarians for Trump under the reasoning that he’s the most libertarian or the least unlibertarian of the GOP candidates particularly on the matter of foreign policy. A lot of former Rand Paul supporters have also gone over to Trump as well.

Though things get even stranger when you hear neocons like Republican Senator Tom Cotton (who’s very much a Cheneyite) and former UN ambassador John Bolton praise the Donald for his foreign policy comments. Yet I can certainly say his foreign policy is far more preferable than what we’ve gotten under four consecutive terms under Bush and Obama which is perpetual war and debt, and batshit crazy interventions like Iraq and Libya (Hillary Clinton of which has been waist deep in as well both as Senator and Secretary of State).

There’s things I legitimately disagree with Trump on such as government surveillance, eminent domain and the apple encryption relating to the San Bernardino terror attack. I’m keeping my options open about voting LP if Austin Peterson wins the party’s nomination next week, but I’m not against ultimately voting for Trump if I feel I must. Ultimately three things may make four years of Trump in the White House worth it;

  1. The eradication of the Clintons and Hillary’s prosecution over her criminal neglect of thousands of classified emails
  2. The Media Industrial Complex utterly and totally destroyed (or at least downsized in its influence)
  3. Seeing a bunch of regressive progressive left SJWs cry and bitch like a bunch of little children on election night if Trump wins.

Right now, I don’t know what will happen in the scenario Trump wins the Presidency. Though I know full well what will happen with the Clintons back in the White House. Just my thoughts anyway.