Tag Archives: Republicans

How Gary Johnson and Jill Stein can guarantee the defeat of Hillary Clinton

While the democrat-controlled Media Industrial Complex are venting what a disaster the Trump campaign supposedly is and Media Matters is digging to find the worst possible dirt on the Donald such as putting up a slew of white supremacists who praised his speech in Mexico (while conspicuously ignoring the Clinton’s history blatant racism), Hillary is getting bad news every week from the FBI releasing more on her. Even so much as Hillary herself admitting her increasingly obvious bad health. With this increasing pressure of bad news, she’s starting to bleed voters even despite the bias in polls toward over sampling Democrats.

It’s very possible that Gary Johnson and Jill Stein can help facilitate the defeat of Hillary Clinton if/when things get so bad to the point Democrats start jumping ship. Johnson has ballot access to just about all 50 states and Jill has over 40 by this point which is well and enough to make difference in hurting Donald or Hillary. The old theory goes that the Libertarian Party will the Republican nominee doesn’t really fit anymore. Johnson is attracting equal number of discontented Republicans and Democrats, in fact there’s more Democrats attracted to Johnson than Republicans due to the mounting corruption of Hillary.

Now granted that increasing steam third parties get in polls typically gain throughout the campaign typically loss it as we get closer to election day and voters are complacent with voting for lesser of two evils. However this time things could be different. The aforementioned corruption of the Clintons is the primary reason and the royal screwing the DNC gave Bernie during the primaries all but openly favoring Hillary. These Berners I think are key to this as many will refuse to cast vote for Hillary Clinton.

They were won over by Bernie’s message about corruption, cronyism on Wall Street which Hillary is as deep in as you can get. She’s the most pro-Wall Street candidate to run for President in history. She’ll maybe half of Berners at best. The rest will go either Gary Johnson of the Libertarians, Jill Stein of the Greens, Donald Trump (possibly as much as a third of them) or simply stay home on election day. That or they’ll still go to the polls and won’t fill out a ballot for President.

As this trend of corruption continues to unfold for Hillary Clinton, more voters will be turned off. Her favorable ratings among Latinos, women and self-ID liberals plummeted big time while Donald’s positives slowly but gradually go up. Many current Hillary supporters I think will abandon her go for either Gary Johnson and/or Jill Stein. If this along with the Berners voting Libertarian or Green happens, Hillary could plummet well below 45% in the popular vote.

Final popular vote result be something like this; Trump, 46%; Hillary, 33%; Johnson, 14%; Jill, 6%; everyone else, 1%. If that were to happen, Ross Perot ’92 all over again, this time working heavily against Hillary where it worked for husband 24 years ago. Trump would easily win a Reagan-like electoral landslide with those popular vote numbers. Democrats would be full meltdown mode all over the news the next day seeing mass exodus of their voters to the Libertarian and Green party candidates and even Trump to lesser extent. Will this happen? Time will tell. Let me know what you think.